Trimurti Yoga

yoga teacher trainingWhat Is Yoga? What Are the Numerous Benefits of Yoga?
what are the benefits of yoga

What Is Yoga? What Are the Numerous Benefits of Yoga?

The origin of yoga is India and Mahadev is known as the Adi Yogi – the first practitioner of Yoga. In the last few years, the demand for yoga teachers has gained a lot. Have you ever wondered what yoga is all about? There are numerous answers to this question. Everyone seems to answer it in his or her way. For some, it is a healing journey where the body, mind and soul heal. For others, it is a spiritual journey, that allows you to connect with the Master – the Creator of the Universe. In layman’s language – yoga is a culmination of different asanas or postures along with controlled breathing and meditation. It helps to heal the body, calm the mind and free the soul.

What Are the Numerous Benefits of Yoga?

Once you start practicing the different asanas of yoga, your body will soon get accustomed to them. If you don’t practice it for a day, you will feel agitated and out of place. To practice the asanas all that you need is a yoga mat. No other tools or accessories are required. This form of exercise is loaded with numerous benefits. We have discussed the most important ones below:

Trimurti Yoga Teacher Training

    • Increased flexibility: The first thing that you will notice once you start practicing yoga is that your flexibility has improved. There is a huge difference in your flexibility level from the first day you started and the current day. You no longer feel out of place and you are able to do intense asanas in a seamless manner.
    • Enhanced muscle and core strength: You will be fit from within. Your muscles will be stronger and you will able to carry out difficult physical tasks without causing any injury to the body.
    • Better breathing with overall energy and vitality: You will be able to monitor controlled breathing every time you exercise. Your energy levels will be high and you will look forward to carrying out the daily tasks. You will no longer feel lazy or drained out after doing any task. Your vitality level will always be high.
    • Improved metabolism: You will lose weight faster because of improved metabolism. Whatever you eat, your body is able to break it down to glucose in a faster manner. Your digestion will be better as a result of which your bowel movements will become regular.
    • Better cardio vascular health: Your heart will be pumping more oxygen to the blood. The flow of blood in the veins will increase and your overall heart health will be much better than what it used to be.
    • Sound sleep without any disturbance: If you suffer from irregular sleeping patterns or experience light sleep, you will notice a stark difference. You will enjoy better and sound sleep. In fact, you will be able to complete the 8-hour sleep cycle almost every day.
    • Able to fight stress and fatigue: We all know how stress and fatigue has become our constant companion. But once you start practicing yoga, you will be able to fight stress and fatigue much better. Since your body and mind are at rest, you will not have negative thoughts. Your concentration will improve. Even when you have to deal with work pressures, you will not break down or experience stress and fatigue.

    Final words:

    To make the most of yoga, we recommend that you get enrolled in Yoga Teacher Training Programs, so that you can learn the different asanas from trained instructors. On completion of the course, you will receive a certificate that allows you to teach yoga in any part of the world.

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