A Complete Guide to Yoga – Why it is So Popular?
Most of us have heard about Yoga and the different asanas that play an important role in keeping our physical and emotional well-being in a good condition. Whether you are a seasoned practitioner of Yoga or a enthusiatic beginner who is waiting to explore the world of Yoga, it is important to know about the orientation of yoga – how it came about, what it means and so on.
What is Yoga?
A simple question with a deep answer – it is an ancient discipline that has its roots in India. Indian Yoga comes from the Sankrit word “yug” which means to combine. The different yoga asanas helps us to connect with our inner self, the surrounding naturev and the universal energy at large. At present, there are different types of yoga that has been adapted to suit the needs and goals of the time.
Yoga and its Different Types:
Yoga has different types. Each type has different asanas and each one has been curated to heal different parts of our body, mind and soul. There is no other form of exercise or physical activity that can match up to the diversity and significance of yoga. The most popular types include:
1. Hastha Yoga: This is the basic of all yogas. It comprises of different asanas or body positions, pranayam or breathing exercises and meditation. Most of the yoga schools teach this form of yoga.
2. Vinyasa Yoga: This is an advanced form of hatha yoga where the main focus is to build a dynamic connection between the different asasna’s and one’s breathing style.
3. Iyengar Yoga: in this form of yoga, different kinds of props are used to perform the asanas in a correct manner. The other forms of yoga are mainly free hand exercises. They don’t use any props.
4. Bikram Yoga: This yoga is practised in a room where the temperature is set to 40 degree celsius. The room is already heated so as to aggravte the sweating process when you are performing the different asanas.
5. Ashtanga Yoga: Also a form of hatha yoga, this yoga is a culmination of the different asanas that are repeated multiple times.
Which Style of Yoga is Ideal for An Individual?
When selecting the style of yoga there are many relevant factors that needs to be considered. You have to take into account your age, flexibility, circumstance, the reason behind doing exrecise and your overall goal. Hence, you need to ask these questions to yourself before you get enrolled and start practising yoga. It is best to consult a certified yoga practitioner who will carry out a detailed checkup before recommending the asanas for you.
Keep in mind that the practice of yoga is a life long process. If you think that you will be able to master the asanas after one week of practice then you are wrong. It can easily take up to months before you can perfect one asana. All the images and postures that you see in gloosy magazines are done by experts who are practising yoga for years on end. You too can achieve the same provided you are dedicated and committed to it. You have to give time, make effort and practise on a daily basis if you too want to master the asanas. You cannot give up midway.
Pay attention to your body and find out what is needed. If you wish to achieve a desired body weight or you want to get rid of the chronic pain for good then you need to consult the yoga practitioner accordingly. He will suggest the asanas that are ideal for you.
What are the Effects of Yoga on Your Health and Lifestyle?
Yoga has numerous positive effects on our physical health and emotional well-being. It can be broadly categorized as:
1. Improved blood flow and enhanced blood circulation.
2. Reduced stress and fatigue.
3. Improved sleep pattern and quality.
4. Better inner strength and endurance.
5. Enhanced immunity and cardiovascular strength.
6. Better concentration and enhanced confidence levels.
How to Incorporate Yoga in Your Daily Life?
Why don’t you get enrolled in our Yoga School? Trimurti Yoga is a leading yoga training institute in India, Indonesia and other parts of the world. Our training classes on Yoga in India are very popular. We have different yoga training programs that are spread over a number of days. You can select any course as per your need and convenience. Once you enroll with us, our certified trainers will teach you the different asanas. On completion of the course, you will be awarded a certifiate that is valid across the globe.
Summing it Up:
Whether you are on a Yoga Holiday in India or reside in India, Trimurti Yoga India’s yoga teacher training programs are exactly what you need. Get in touch with us so our experts can guide you through the entire process. In recent decades, Yoga Teacher Training in India has become extremely popular because you can practice different asanas anywhere, without the need for equipment. So, instead of wondering why yoga in India is so special, call us today, and we’ll answer all your queries.
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